About / Governance
School Governance
Maranatha Christian School is a public company, limited by guarantee, and subject to regulation by the Australian Securities Commission and the Corporations Law. It is not governed by any one church or denomination.
We believe the final authority for children’s education lies with the parents. At Maranatha Christian School the authority that parents have is exercised through the elected Board of Directors which is legally responsible for the governance of the school.

Associate Levy
Every year, each parent and staff member is charged an Association levy to support the work of the Association. The levy is included in the calculation of monies due to the school invoiced at the beginning of the year. All parents are able to attend and speak at meetings but do not have voting rights and are not eligible to be considered for Board appointment.

Association Members
Association Membership is open to parents, staff and others who can demonstrate a commitment to Christ, to the school and to Christ-centred education. Members have voting rights and are eligible to be considered for Board appointment (unless staff).
There is an annual membership fee in addition to the Association levy.
The Board comprises of Association Members who are elected for three-year terms, for a maximum of three terms. They focus on governance and delegates to the Principal the day to day responsibility of leading the school. The Board is always searching for new directors to ensure it has appropriate skills and talents to be good stewards of all God has given us, and to make good decisions for the future of the School.

Board Members

Mr Damian Wong
Board Chair
Damian is a senior governance, risk and compliance professional who has worked across various industries including education.

Mr Lindsay Buck
Deputy Chair
Lindsay graduated as communication and electronic engineer and has worked in Research and Development ever since.

Mr Keith Townend
Chair Finance Committee
Keith is a Chartered Accountant and has worked in a number of senior finance and management roles.

Mr Andrew Snook
Andrew is the Service Manager of Junction City formerly MTI Business Services where he has been for since 2010.

Mrs Fiona Vandenberg
Fiona is married to Luke and they have 3 children attending Maranatha – 1 in secondary and 2 in primary. Her family joined the school community in 2015 when their oldest child began ELC.

Mr Jeremy Bergstrom
Jeremy has a Certificate IV in Business and has successfully owned and operated a local Window Tinting company for 16 years.