curriuclum / co-curricular
Preparing students practically for the future
Maranatha Christian School provides an extensive array of co-curricular activities designed to provide opportunity for students to develop 21st Century skills, leadership qualities and to prepare them for life beyond school.
Discover creative ways to encourage others and to motivate them toward acts of compassion, doing beautiful works as expressions of love. Hebrews 10:24 (TPT)
Discovery is program specifically designed to provide Year 5 – 8 students with unique opportunities that they would not otherwise get from a curriculum-lead class. Students select an area that interest. Discovery groups have included Outdoor Survival, Cooking, Garden Sculpture, Masterminds and Wordplay, Robotics, Teddy Bear Making and Mural Art.
Camps form an integral part of the co-curricular program. They encourage interpersonal skills and challenge students in new environments.
The Camp program begins with a stay-late in Prep, and culminate in a student’s final year with a Year 12 Retreat.
The Year 9 Rite Journey is a unique program designed to encourage young people as they journey into adulthood, while developing resilience, empathy and personal responsibility.
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