Online Enrolment Form
This application form allows families to enrol online. A non-refundable fee of $250.00 will be charged per family after the interviews have taken place and your enrolment is approved.
In order to improve the ease of use of this application, we require your email address initially. An email will be sent to this address with a URL to continue the application at your convenience.
Please note: All interviews must also be attended and approved for enrolment to be completed. Although a tentative placement may be offered, all up to date documentation with required signatures must be received by the Registrar prior to the official acceptance and commencement of a student at Maranatha.
Please refer to checklist below:
- Enrolment Application signed by each parent/guardian
- Birth Certificate or Passport for each Child or a Copy signed by a person who has sighted the original and has certified it as a true copy. This person could be a Principal, Medical Practitioner, Pharmacist etc. For more information please go to
- Copy of Passport for Parents and Children on Bridging, Temporary or Permanent Visas (who are not considered full fee paying overseas students)
- Copy of Immunisation History for each ELC child which is up to date and age appropriate within two months of ELC commencement must be provided by 1st November in the year before commencement or prior to placement confirmation. Further information is available at
- Copy of up to date Immunisation History for each Primary aged child prior to school commencement
“under the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 it is a legal requirement that parents of a child must give an immunisation status certificate in respect of each vaccine preventable disease to the person in charge of each primary school that the child is to attend.”
- Copy of most recent School Reports/Naplan for all school age students
- Copy of any reports relating to Educational, Medical, Communication, Behavioural Issues or Special Support required
- Enrolment Interview with Principal/Deputy Principal or Section Heads
- Financial Interview with Assistant Bursar at the Endeavour Hills Office or via Zoom