Family Resources

family resources / school uniform

School Uniform

The Maranatha school uniform has been designed to be simple, inclusive, and comfortable while fostering a strong sense of identity among our students. It comprises of a summer and winter uniform and sports uniform. Pants and shorts are available for girls and boys, and the various uniform items allow for flexible layering options.

Students are required to wear the summer uniform in Terms 1 and 4, and the winter uniform in Terms 2 and 3.

It is our desire that students wear their uniform with pride, as representatives of Maranatha Christian School, in a way that respects our Uniform Guidelines and honours God.

Uniform Guidelines

The Uniform Guidelines provide specific instructions on the usage of school uniform items, including when and how they should be worn.

Uniform Guidelines

Purchasing Uniform

Noone Imagewear provides all Schoolwear requirements to Maranatha Christian School.

Maranatha Fitting Letter
ELC Pricelist
Junior Pricelist
Middle Pricelist
Senior Pricelist
Noone Online Store

Secondhand Uniform

School uniform may be purchased (and sold) via the Sustainable School Shop. However, families must ensure that the correct school logo is worn and not an updated style.

sustainable school shop