We are thrilled to announce that our Year 12 students have achieved outstanding results. They have truly shone both inside and outside the classroom during their time at Maranatha Christian School.
- 23% of students in the top 10% of the state
- 55% of students in the top 20% of the state
- 71% of students in the top 30% of the state
- 91% of students in the top 40% of the state
- 98% of students in the top 50% of the state
- Median ATAR of 83.7
These remarkable results are a testament to the hard work of our Year 12s, support of their families and our dedicated teachers. Thank you to the many staff who have guided the Class of 2024 during their time at Maranatha Christian School.
Our Dux for 2024 is Howard Hue. He plans to pursue Engineering at Monash University in 2025. In addition to Howard’s outstanding achievement, we are also pleased to announce Nicholas Michael as Proxime Accessit.
We are excited to see what the Class of 2024 will accomplish in the next chapter of their lives as they seek to do their utmost for His glory. May God use them to help transform the communities in which they live and serve.